For new presses or as a spare parts.
Mould is intended for production of sheets from polymers in the process of compression in the Hydraulic press. Mould can be directly or indirectly heated. Mould's heating/cooling is realized with the heating medium (thermal oil, steam or water). Sides(frame) of the mould are heated/cooled, which provides production of thicker sheets. The corresponding diameters of channels and location of heating fields provides optimal thermal conditions for high quality fusion or sintering of material into homogeneous panel.
Technical data - options:
• Inner dimensions of the mold: max. 11.500 x 2.600 mm
• Frame height: max. 400 mm
• Specific pressure: max. 1.200 N/cm2 (on the half of frame height)
• Working temperature: max. 230 °C
Mould has form of right-angled capacity and consists from solid plate or heated plate and longitudinal and transverse sides. The parts are screwed or welded together. Heated plate and sides(frame) are made of steel sheet. In directly heated mould all parts have drilled channels for the flow of the heating medium. Channels are drilled longitudinal or transverse and connected in the heating field. Separate heating fields are connected to the collectors with flexible pipes from stainless steel.
In the screwed version of the mold the joint between the bottom and frame is made with a special shape of the groove, which provides the transfer of big side loads, allows temperature dilatation and big temperature difference of heating bodies, as well as good tightness of the joint.
Welded version provides rigidity of the mold, smaller weight, lower power consumption, long life and easy maintenance.

The Stamp consists of heated plate, insulation and supporting plate. Heated plate is made of steel sheet. It has drilled channels for the flow of the heating medium. The channels are drilled longitudinal or transverse and connected in the heating field. Insulation is installed between the supporting plate and the heating plate. The supporting plate is made of sheet steel. Separate parts are interconnected in order to provide tension of the material due to temperature differences.
Sides of the piston are protected with metal, which prevents the entrance of the material in the inner construction.